Thursday, December 17, 2015

Final part 1 of 2
class / self evaluation
In my new media class i liked being able to use computers and trying to improve my typing skills. I also like trying to be a better person. I didn't like it when other people made everyone loss free time. I can't really think of anything that could improve this class. I probably didn't try my best in this class but i did try. I am not fully committed to being a CTR person but little by little every day i am even more. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

IDP summmary

My IDP was about the disease tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a disease in your lungs and it is spread by a infected person coughing and you inhaling in the bacteria. there is a cure for it but i don't know the name of the medicine. I have never met anyone with the disease but i studied it.

student success statement

"Always do right."
Mark Twain
This quote tells us to always do the right thing. It is not always the easiest thing to do but it is the right thing to do. Do the right thing even if no one is there to support you. doing the right thing is always a option the same goes for doing the wrong thing. finding the right path is not the easiest but it is the most rewarding. doing the wrong thing is always easy but not rewarding.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

student success statement

"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."

Evan Stephens
This quote tells us not to fear as long as you do the right thing. People who do the wrong thing will all ways have some thing to fear. people that fear things is because they did some thing wrong.

Monday, December 7, 2015

student success statement

"If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail"
1. can people trust me to do what's right?
2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
3. Do I treat people the way i want to be treated?
                                             Lou Holtz
This quote is saying that if you say yes to all of  these you cannot fail at anything. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Student success statement

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. the relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."
President John F. Kennedy
This quote tells us that being fit physically is one of the ways to a healthy body. you are at your best when you are physically fit. to be intelligent you are going to need to be fit.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Student Success Statement

"Kindness is the essence of greatness".
Joseph B. Wirthlin

This quote says that if you are kind that you are also great. 
Being kind is better than winning. If you win and be kind than you are even greater. Being kind and doing the right thing are some of the best things you can do. You are only truly great if you are kind. helping others is one example of kindness.